Your Year-End Check: How to Know If Your Business Is On a Healthy Path of Growth
Even though I don’t feel that the new year truly starts until the Spring Equinox, I recognize that the end of the year offers us an opportunity to reflect and consciously close out a cycle.
With the end of 2024, I’ve been reflecting on this past year in my business—the challenges, the learnings, the gifts…
Beautiful new branding work was created. Boundaries were strengthened. Business partnerships were formed. My branding program was birthed.
But how do you determine if the year was a success and if your business is on a healthy path of growth?
There are a few simple check-ins I do at the end of the year to see if my business is in alignment for nurturing, sustainable growth.
In Your Soft Girl Era? 🌸 Here Are 4 Ways to Invite Feminine Flow Into Your Business
We’ve all seen the #softgirlera memes on the internet, glorifying the “anti-grind”…
And I’m all about it.
Stepping into my soft girl era a few years ago felt like a deep, slow exhale—releasing the pressure valve of always doing, hustling, and achieving. (In other words, operating out of an imbalanced masculine energy.)
After navigating a health crisis, I knew something had to change my work lifestyle. So when I rebuilt my business, I prioritized my health. And that meant balancing my masculine (yang) energy with more feminine (yin) energy.
There’s now a softness in how I move through my day within my business, allowing for more ease, rest, and alignment. It’s a shift from pushing and striving to trusting and flowing.
Your Moon Cycle & Your Business: Using Your Body’s Natural Rhythm to Your Advantage
As women, we’re conditioned to operate within a society that often goes against our natural biology. Because men function solely on a 24 hour cycle, we’re taught to expect the same consistency on a day-to-day basis. When in reality, our bodies are wired differently. Menstruating women operate on both a Circadian rhythm (24 hour cycle) and an Infradian rhythm (28 day cycle).
We’re given little to no awareness about this secondary rhythm—our moon cycle—and how it affects us on an energetic level throughout the month. This can cause us to unknowingly fight against ourselves, generating resistance, frustration, and ultimately burnout.
Understanding and embracing the ebbs and flows of our unique system helps us to function in alignment with our biology, instead of against it.